Short description

Indications for use:  Softens deformity and stiffness in sriasih and tendons.  Reduces inflammation of the joints.  Has analgesic effect.  Sportvue resorption of herniated discs. As the antifungal agent (quickly removes any type of fungi).  Helps increase elasticity of ligaments (recommended for people leading an active lifestyle, engage in extreme sports).  Urticaria, psoriasis;.   Accelerates the healing process of bruises and contusions.  a Couple of the balm help with the dizziness;.   Helps reduce anxiety and fatigue. Sprains, injuries of tendons and ligaments.  Massage (back neck and feet, General good health).

Thai orange balsam Criptolepis Buchanan (Coconut Herb) - 100g.

Brand: Coconut Herb
Product Code: 3766
Net: 100 g
Gross: 276 g
Availability: in stock
See product details