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Wand Massage Tools

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Wooden stick for the foot massage (Ratshaburi Province) - 12cm.
Massage stick can be used at home for foot massage. The stick for traditional Thai foot massage helps to more effectively affect the reflex points of the feet and achieve absolute relaxation and a sense of inner comfort, stimulate the functions of all internal organs. System sessions (2 times a week) allow you to achieve a state of inner balance and harmony ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 9 g
Gross: 9 g
Wooden stick for massage of feet with a spoon (HandMade) - 18 cm.
Massage stick can be used at home for foot massage. The stick for traditional Thai foot massage helps to more effectively affect the reflex points of the feet and achieve absolute relaxation and a sense of inner comfort, stimulate the functions of all internal organs. System sessions (2 times a week) allow you to achieve a state of inner balance and harmony ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 63 g
Gross: 63 g
Wooden stick for massage cat (HandMade) - 17cm.
Massage stick can be used at home for foot massage. The stick for traditional Thai foot massage helps to more effectively affect the reflex points of the feet and achieve absolute relaxation and a sense of inner comfort, stimulate the functions of all internal organs. System sessions (2 times a week) allow you to achieve a state of inner balance and harmony ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 46 g
Gross: 46 g
Wooden six-sided die for massage (Hand Made) - 1 pc.
Cube for the traditional Thai back massage, helps to more effectively affect the reflex points and achieve absolute relaxation and a sense of inner comfort, stimulate the functions of all internal organs ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 34 g
Gross: 34 g
Wooden stick for the foot massage (Ratshaburi Province) - 15cm.
Massage stick can be used at home for foot massage. The stick for traditional Thai foot massage helps to more effectively affect the reflex points of the feet and achieve absolute relaxation and a sense of inner comfort, stimulate the functions of all internal organs. System sessions (2 times a week) allow you to achieve a state of inner balance and harmony ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 30 g
Gross: 32 g
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