General information about the thyroid gland

There is not a single organ in the human body, the function of which is not affected by the thyroid gland. She is a kind of "conductor" of metabolism.

The “thyroid” is located in front at the bottom of the neck at the level of the 2-3rd ring of the trachea under the larynx, and consists of two shares connected by the isthmus. It resembles a butterfly in shape.

Scientists who first described the gland have an association with a shield, which gave it an appropriate name. The organ is quite small, and in a healthy state is almost invisible to the person himself.

What is the "thyroid" is responsible for

The thyroid gland is an important organ of the endocrine system.

It produces iodothyronins hormones (they are also thyroid hormones) that participate in the processes of catabolism, regulate many vital parameters of the body. For example: blood pressure, heart rhythm, respiratory rhythm.

Reference! Catabolism is the process of splitting complex substances into simpler ones, which proceeds with the release of energy. Catabolic processes include the processing of food or burning of fat cells.

The organ indirectly affects the tone of blood vessels, the processes of regeneration of cells and tissues. We can say that the iron is responsible for the entire metabolism of the human body.

Thyroid gland - hormones

The “thyroid gland” distinguishes polypeptide iodine hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which are produced by its follicular cells. The command for their secretion is the emission of the pituitary gland of thyroidropic hormone (TSH). Another hormone - calcitonin regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. It is extremely important for the implementation of healthy metabolism in bone tissue.

For the effective production of thyroidic hormones, iodine and Tyrosin amino acid are needed. The human body receives all this with food.

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid diseases can be divided into 2 types:

Primary - the cause and pathological process are in the gland itself.
Secondary ones - the hormonal function of the pituitary gland is disrupted, the secretion of thyroidropic hormone (TSH) is changing, which in turn affects the functioning of the organ.
The impaired function of the endocrine organ can be judged by the results of blood tests for thyroid hormones. The amount of thyroidropic hormone is also determined. An ultrasound of the thyroid gland is also carried out (in a number of cases with a doppler), scintigraphy and a biopsy of tissues from suspicious areas.

Thyroid gland: symptoms of the disease


If the gland function is reduced, the level of thyroid hormones falls. Accordingly, metabolic processes slow down, the amount of energy falls. The state of hypothyroidism occurs.

The following symptoms are characteristic of it:

increased fatigue;
acute sensitivity to cold;
dry skin;
excess body weight;
tissue edema;
Sypable voice;
increased cholesterol in the blood;
muscle weakness;
Slow down the heartbeat;
dryness, brittle hair;
Memory violation, forgetfulness;
To correct the condition, tablet thyroid hormones and other drugs are used. In time, treatment beguns restores the condition of the body to normal.


If the secretion of thyroid hormones exceeds the norm, another pathological condition develops - hyperthyroidism. Its second name is thyrotoxicosis. In this case, metabolic processes are pathologically accelerated, inadequate energy emission occurs by the body.

Symptoms of hypertheriosis:

sharp weight loss without diet;
tachycardia, arrhythmia;
Tremor of the hands, trembling in the limbs;
feeling of heat without external reasons;
an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, its swelling;
Graves ophthalmopathy (pache -eyed);
Therapy of thyrotoxicosis is aimed at suppressing the function of the gland.

It is also important to start treatment in time in order to avoid the extreme exhaustion of the body.

Depending on gender and age, manifestations of diseases may vary.

Thyroid gland - symptoms of dysfunctions in men


erectile dysfunction;
decrease in the number of sperm;
male infertility;
gynecomastia (breast augmentation by female type);
reduced endurance;
slow movements;
dry eye syndrome, corneal damage;
Hold holding in a dream (apnea);
Difficulties with morning awakening, drowsiness in the 2nd half of the day.
Hypothyroidism in men is harder than in women. It affects performance more strongly, but less affects the emotional state.


increased excitability, irritability;
attacks of fear, panic (panic attacks);
tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia (expressed stronger than in women);
heart failure;
Reducing potency.
Symptoms in women

Hypothyroidism in women proceeds a little differently than in men:

The increase in body weight is more pronounced, the weight gain does not stop by the diet;
chronic fatigue is observed;
hair loss;
dryness, peeling of the skin;
memory disorders;
Disorders of the menstrual cycle, it becomes irregular, is accompanied by painful menstruation.
All women in software


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