Green Thai Body Balm (Wang Prom) - 100g.


  • Wang prom
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  • Product Code: 200710
  • Reg.№: G434/60
  • Brand: Wang prom
  • Country: THAILAND
  • Net: 100 g
  • Gross: 250 g
  • Availability: in stock
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Short description

This balm is in high demand among other balms because of the uniqueness of its main component - Clinacanthus nutans (drooping nutans), the properties of which are associated with the treatment even cancer. This plant is used in medicine as a powerful antioxidant that quickly heals burns, fights chickenpox and shingles. Inhalation balm reduces tension and meteosensitivity, increased resistance to bacterial and viral infections, including herpes and influenza.

Wang prom / Green Balm (COOL) 



Thai green this balm is in high demand among other balms because of the uniqueness of its main component - Clinacanthus nutans (drooping nutans), the properties of which are associated with the treatment even cancer. This plant is used in medicine as a powerful antioxidant that quickly heals burns, fights chickenpox and shingles. inhalation balm reduces tension and meteosensitivity, increased resistance to bacterial and viral infections, including herpes and influenza.  Balms from Thailand, all made with 100% natural plant-based, are composed of extracts from rare herbs and wild mountain vines. In total, it contains more than 90 ingredients. Balm «green; cooling" doctor  (Mr. Chalerm) is made on the well-known in Thailand the production of natural medicinal products Wangphrom Herbal Center in Bangkok, very popular among Thais. Disinfectant antiseptic properties of the balm are used in the treatment of acne, boils and pimples. Balm reduces inflammation, prevents acne, and suppurative abscesses. Also effective in the treatment of fungal infections. Inhalation green balm stimulate the bronchi, liquefy mucus. It is used as expectorant for smoker's cough, it brings relief in breathing difficulties. Quite effective packs of balm and bandages for bruises and sprains, in the first hours after a Tr, since the balm has a cooling property. Green balm will help to relieve migraines, strengthen the nervous system, the immune system, relieve physical and mental stress and relieve depression. Balm essential for allergetikov of any kind (swelling and irritation). Helps with skin irritation and insect bites. The green balm has intensive effects on the muscles and joints, relieves spasms and muscle tension, helps with handasah and sprains. It has a cooling effect, but causes the opposite feeling. Effective for injuries and sprains in the first days after the injury. 


• helps in solar and thermal burns.

• Effective for injuries and sprains and bruises in the first days after injury.

• the problems associated with sprains of ligaments and tendons, as well as with joint pain-balm usilivaet blood flow in areas of application and contributes to improving the mobility of joints.

• To relieve nervous tension and improve mood - Thais for many years use lemongrass flavor, as the best remedy for stress.

• Relieve itching and inflammation from insect bites and perfectly neutralizes their poisons.

• Headaches. 

• Green balm as a strong antiseptic, used to treat upper respiratory tract infections, influenza, acute respiratory diseases, when not to use no chimiotherapie drugs. 

• poor circulation in the legs (atherosclerosis). 

• Colds and backache (pain) in the back and neck. 

• For the prevention of bedsores of bedridden patients and also for inflammation of muscles and arthritis, rheumatism and many other diseases.

• Massage (back neck and feet, General good health). 

• Athletes ( the balm can be applied on the whole body: legs, arms, shoulders, back view of a light massage, both before and after the trainings, such as running, Boxing, strength

like wrestling, and stretching (Pilates). 


Composition :

the Balm consists of more than 90 ingredients: camphor oil, eucalyptus, thyme, essential oil, barl, camphor Laurel, nutans, medicinal plants is growing in the mountain forests of Thailand (Complete and detailed manufacturer are kept secret.)


- On the body balm has a cooling effect (although it may seem that it warms) for the first 30 minutes after application.

the Feeling - the smell (aroma balm)

- the Smell appears after application of balm for the body, smells like a collection of herbs with mint (smell), flavor it is suitable under the SPA and under the medical smell in the massage parlor.

Net and packing

- 100 gr. The balm is green in color, packaged in glass jar with plastic lid.

Certification number of the Ministry of health of Thailand (Thai traditional medicine) No. G 656/46

the English name

- the Green Balm (COOL) Wang prom 100g .

application of :

- Clean the affected area. Apply a generous amount of balm and RUB with a soft massage movements until the balm is absorbed. Apply to the affected area two to three times daily.

- colds and flu - RUB the feet at night.

- In the cold – used as an inhalation or rubbing tool. Add 1 drop of the product in hot water not boil and inhale steam under a towel over a bowl.

- In the cold, RUB the chest and legs, apply on temples, under nose and base of the neck.

- headache, sickness, weakness and stress conditions to apply the balm on your temples, base of neck, at the point between the eyebrows and on the place of pulsation.

For total relaxation to make a light massage with the addition of balsam.

- With diseases of the musculoskeletal system – apply on area of pain, gently massaging until complete absorption of the drug at 1 – 3 times a day.

- the Tool can be used by athletes to relieve tension in the muscles.

- For healthy skin you need to apply a very small amount of balm, as it can be burning for you (not for all).

If you apply the balm on a bruise, so it is not felt, and on intact skin of the patient's joint can burn.

If the balm is still called burning, in any case, do not try to wash off, it will only get worse.

In this case, you need to remove the balm with a dry paper towel, apply any oil, again wet and apply the aloe Vera gel or any other soothing cream or oil.



• Pregnancy, children's age, individual intolerance.

• Balm should not be applied to skin that has open lesions or wounds.

• avoid contact with eyes and other mucous membranes.

• for outdoor use Only.


• Balm can stain things, so it is recommended to pry the old t-shirts , socks, etc..

• For girls with long nails, with caution when applied and massage to the balm caught under the nails , then you will need to wash (rinse).

• avoid contact with eyes and other mucous membranes.

to apply:  on the affected areas of the skin, such as fresh cuts.



•Wang Prom.Co.Th , Thailand.


• (Manufacturer Company doctor Mr. Chalerm and his wife Mrs. Pranom Wangprom one of the most popular and leading companies in Thailand, thanks to its experience and quality products: Thai balms, capsules, care for the body, prepared using only quality herbal extracts, essential oils, plant extracts . Products created exclusively based on natural components.)

Main characteristics
Type of product Balm Thai
net weight 100g.
Suitable men;women
Treatment characteristics
assignment Inflammation;Swelling;joint Pain;Backache;Andros;Sciatica;Poor circulation;Cold;Massage;Athletes;Injuries;Headaches;Sprains;Bruises;back Pain;Antifungal;Herpes
Age category 16 years and older
Active ingredients Clinacanthus nutans
Additional characteristics
Colour green
Scent and Fragrance herbs with mint
Tactile feelings of the body cool
Packing size Big
gross 138g.

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