The problem of varicose veins - the problem is not the veins, and the whole body. In the body, there are no particular problems, local pathology, there are only partial signs, which are today the most severe manifestations of the aggregate of the set of explicit and hidden violations. This equally applies to skin diseases, and symptom of allergy (in whatever form it is manifested), and the syndrome of "chronic prostatitis" men or "chronic adnexitis" in women who are only a manifestation of the complex hormonal and metabolic disorders and to a syndrome "asthma" is not a disease of the lungs and bronchus, but is primarily a consequence of allergenicity, which itself is a consequence primarily of hormonal disturbances. In the body, there is no particular problem as such as arthritis, - it is always a consequence of violations of the mineral, protein metabolism and allergenicity, there is in general no particular problems, except for traumatic injuries. Whatever the complaint is human, it is always to blame the entire body: bad hair - do not work organs which "feed" the hair, any problems with the eyes - poorly bodies responsible for food and blood supply to the eye, the optic tract and optic analyzer the cerebral cortex (in fact, it is responsible for the entire body, but with the predominant value of certain organs). So it is possible to list all known complaints, symptoms, syndromes and diseases and eventually to look at all the causes and pathological mechanisms are quite different, as is customary in orthodox medicine. With these fundamentally different position can already be excluded from the category of incurable or hardly curable almost all diseases.
Similarly, the problem of venous pathology is only a particular symptom, not an independent disease. In this section we will talk mainly about varicose veins, but here is equally possible to carry as widespread hemorrhoids.
Whether treated varicose veins without surgery? In orthodox medicine - not. Either the person continues to live with the poor and deteriorating all the veins, or you do the operation, which, unfortunately, does not guarantee against recurrence. Also known hardening (in common parlance - "bonding") veins are common, especially in advanced process gives complications or, again, a recurrence in adjacent veins. Dozens of recipes healers described "radical" healing and infinitely appearing more and more ointment and so on. N., Prove to be slabboefektivnymi and can not alone secure the long-term effect. In general, it should be noted that any manipulation directly associated with only the veins are not effective, and may not be completely effective 100%. Why?
Let's see what ideas about the mechanisms of formation of venous pathology operates orthodox medicine. It is believed that varicose veins caused by prolonged standing, heavy physical work, women - pregnancy. The immediate role for insolvency (weakness) of the venous wall insufficiency and venous valves that prevent backflow normal venous blood. All this is to a certain extent so, but it only triggers that without the presence of the more important mechanisms may not lead to this pathology. Testimonies abound: not all people with jobs related to prolonged standing or strenuous exercise, get varicose veins. Moreover, many get it, never overstrained and not having the relevant work. Not all women during pregnancy get varicose veins, and many women who focus during pregnancy much attention to this issue, however, receive them. Moreover, a lot of people, with no precipitating factors, without being pregnant, getting varicose veins. Finally, the fact that no treatment does not work, says that existing pathogenetic representations are wrong, and therefore lead to a not quite correct, and consequently, there is little effective treatment.
Speaking of effective treatment, it should be borne in mind the stage of the process.
Of course, if the veins are already multiple and large units, and the more inflammation, then a highly effective conservative treatment to speak late, though, if people absolutely do not want to do surgery, approaching the problem from a different perspective, you can get the part, but good effect . When not running, especially early varicose veins a new approach to the problem allows us to achieve, often quickly, very good results.
Let's look at the problem of broader and deeper. What is the first principle of varicose veins? Of course, the stagnation of blood in the veins. What are varicose veins? Disease? No, this adaptive response in response to an increase in venous blood volume in a previous venous volume. Why veins dilate? This provided the nature of adaptive response to the stagnation was not in the vital organs. By the way, a venous expansion observed in healthy people under certain adverse conditions. This we see in the others, and yourself as a temporary "swollen" vein, but with the restoration of the disappearance of these conditions and without the formation of varicose veins. Whenever a long stagnation, there is a likelihood of varicose veins. And what is the cause of long-term stagnation of venous blood? Stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation, part of which are the veins of the legs. And that, in turn, is the most common cause of this? The answer it gives physiology - or some heart diseases or liver disease or spleen with obstruction of the venous blood flow through them. There is another reason - a stenosis (narrowing) of the portal (and collecting venous blood entering the liver) vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. But this reason is much more rare, and we will not consider them. If a person has any of the problems described above, the long distance, high physical activity, pregnancy only provoke the implementation of existing predisposition.
So we come to the root cause of varicose veins: the heart or liver, or spleen, or all together or in pairs pathology. You see what happens: dilated veins, and must be treated quite another, and then possible a completely different effect. In dozens of publications and the healing officious advertising booklets describes all the new and new ointments for vein medicine for the veins, veins for lotions, compresses the veins, more sophisticated bandages or elastic stockings for veins, even oral medication directly to veins.
Sure, and some congenital weakness of venous valves is set in the origin of varicose, but in fact it is extremely rare and not always practical, as is commonly believed. Undoubtedly, the use of any means of bandaging, and directly on the veins have a certain value, but too small, although it should not be ignored, even in the treatment of the true cause.
What is the pathology of the heart, the liver or the spleen gives varicose veins? It turns out that not any. For example, failure and aortic valve stenosis leads to stagnation not large, and in the pulmonary circulation and, consequently, to the pulmonary pathological symptoms. Varicose veins of the lower extremities is formed primarily in the ventricular septal defect of the heart, with the failure of the mitral valve of the heart, at insufficiency or stenosis of the tricuspid valve of the heart, as well as degenerative (sclerotic) changes in the liver or spleen. I do not mean the sclerosis in the arteries, and diffuse replacement of fibrous connective (scar) tissue of the liver and spleen tissues.
Let us first consider the impact of heart disease. Congenital ventricular septal defect of the heart leads to the fact that a person is mixed venous blood of the right ventricle and a left arterial, while normal liver venous blood after hitting the right ventricle must fully pass through the pulmonary circulation (through the lungs) , enriched with oxygen, become arterial blood, get into the left ventricle and then out of it into the aorta and into the systemic circulation, that is, to all organs and limbs (including feet). Permanent partial discharge of blood from the right ventricle into the aorta by the lungs and systemic circulation leads gradually to the overflow of his blood, weakness of the left ventricle and the first physiological, pathological and then expand the lower limbs. For other heart diseases have been several other mechanisms of hemodynamic disturbances, but with the same result - a stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation in the veins of the lower extremities. In all these cases also marked stagnation in the liver and spleen, in hemorrhoidal veins.
Existing ideas about the nature of the pre-emption of valvular heart defects, in my experience, is not true. It is believed that the defects of interventricular, between the heart before the partitions are innate, that is arising in the period of fetal development under the influence of various damaging factors, the genetic apparatus. It is also believed that the valve defects are formed mainly as a result of inflammation as a complication, especially rheumatic. Much less defective valves are at existing ideas, innate nature (ie, as in the case of a defect of the heart walls). In fact, as shown by my many years of experience, the vast majority of all heart defects are not congenital or inflammatory genesis, and hereditary, that is, people get vices inherited from their ancestors. A huge number of people living with a variety of heart diseases and do not even know about it, and if they at random survey found anything, then take over the acquired pathology ( "in fact did not exist!"). Just before did not pay attention, most of all, because you have carefully examined, do not take into account the human small pains or paid no attention to the little vices. I think that the view expressed by me mostly hereditary heart defects is unacceptable and even shock for physicians and cardiologists.
A classic example of a hereditary heart disease with the formation of varicose veins is structurally unstable heart defect interventricular septum. Since the defect structurally unstable, not giving explicit rough childhood with heart failure that does not require surgical intervention in childhood, these patients remain without attention. Complaints also in these patients classic: the time, much more than other, much freezing hands and feet, with his youth and even sometimes from childhood formed varicose veins. Not many, but a few such patients encountered in my practice, it is not receiving the proper treatment. Why do these people get cold hands and feet? Because they mixed in the ventricles of arterial and venous blood, something like frogs, with only one common ventricle. These people are cold and "frog legs".
Often the most serious defects in the valves are of rheumatic origin, but still less than the inheritance. Why do I say that the vices are often hereditary (genetic), and not congenital (intrauterine) character? Because those methods of investigation that I apply in the first place, it is much more sensitive to a certain part used in hospitals and clinics, and secondly, allow the assessment of heredity in patients, as well as that of their immediate family the older and younger generations, and thereby - just to see that passed on genetically, and that acquired during life.
With regard to liver and spleen pathology, leading role here are, as noted, degenerative changes in them. It is important to understand that this leads to dystrophic changes and how to fight it. The easiest option - when a person suffers a viral hepatitis or malaria, and receives a complication in the form of fibrosis, cirrhosis of varying severity or fibrosis of the spleen. This leads to a stagnation of hepatic blood (portal) and vein respectively in the veins of the legs, the hemorrhoidal veins. Over time, he stagnation aggravates the condition of the liver or spleen (since they do not have normal blood flow), as well as constantly complicates the work of the heart, which again increases the congestion. Formed pathological circle.
Other causes of degenerative changes in the liver are chronic hepatitis due to undertreated acute or chronic venous stasis in the liver at a sufficiently pronounced deformation of the gallbladder or stones in it with chronic stagnation of bile in the liver system, or chronic effects on the liver hepatotoxic substances (waste production, occupational hazards ), or strong or more slack of food poisoning in the past with liver damage, or prolonged use of large doses of antibiotics or analgesics in the past, or more complex reason, when a person has a long-standing metabolic disturbance (and, hence, the power and regeneration of liver cells) and detoxification Nye overload the liver due to chronic severe bowel disease, pancreas and kidneys. Often, the combination of a number of these problems, each of which may be unexpressed and therefore do not attract the attention of the orthodox doctors are accustomed to working with obvious disease only. By dystrophic changes in the spleen can cause, among malaria and hepatitis, any excessive bleeding in the past.
Here we have outlined and defined the root causes of varicose veins. Now we can talk about treatment. In orthodox medicine structurally unstable heart diseases are passed, but even if they are found most often nothing is done, they remain untreated, and this can sometimes be worse than the more rough, but well compensated treatment of vice, because the constant little heart failure provides overload veins . They do not maintain such exhausting overload. As for liver disease, very often it also skipped (since it does not have the character of overt disease), or detected, but then doctors usually powerless to radically do anything. Powerless because the liver treated separately, without working with the whole organism - indeed ineffective. Degenerative changes in the spleen often overlooked, and if they accidentally discover it did not know what to do.
In fact, if not utterly neglected and varicose veins, for example, not very rough liver dystrophy (requires long treatment) systemic causal treatment results are remarkable in my patients and appear within 2-4 weeks from start of treatment with a further gradual improvement.
It should be emphasized that the above causative disorders may have a plurality of individual characteristics both in combination, and the degree of severity, of neglect. It determines the characteristics of individual treatment and affects its efficiency. By and large, the doctor should not be treated in absentia, not knowing the patient. Therefore absentia recommendations that are presented here have a common, typological character, are harmless, but will not give all the same results.
If you have varicose veins, you will be examined, as far as possible, with the bodies listed above - "culprits". Inspect the heart, while aware of the following is a common misconception. Many people think that the electrocardiogram shows everything related to the heart. In fact, the ECG shows no flaws at all and, in principle, can not show, as the only records electrophysiological activity of the heart, but not its structure. Therefore it is necessary to do ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) or, in extreme cases, phonocardiography (record heart murmurs). But, unfortunately, you often can not find a response and understanding on the part of the therapist, and he will tell you that you do not need it, since there is no evidence for such surveys; He even will not give you directions. In any case, if you frequently reported palpitations and shortness of breath at light loads, even a small, but frequent swelling of the ankles and feet, or strongly hands and feet are cold, you need to carry out a soft heart therapy. It should be noted that the heartbeat is observed in many other health problems, such as thyroid dysfunction, with nervousness, increased weight, cervical osteochondrosis, and so on. D. The same applies to the shortness of breath, and swelling of the feet. In the diagnosis of all a very, very unique, and that's precisely why we need individual approach.
Now for the pathology of the liver. If you are hurt in the past hepatitis or malaria, or are sick with chronic hepatitis, and worked for many years in hazardous work, or you have a chronic cholecystitis, or gallstones, if you often heavy and even pain in the right upper quadrant, if it is also in you were in the past poisoning and after you began to feel discomfort described in the right upper quadrant, then you need to carry out liver therapy. Pre useful to do some research: liver function tests, ultrasound of the liver. If the show up any pathological changes in the need of said treatment is enhanced.
In the pathology of the spleen, most people often do not feel anything, well, perhaps, as an optional symptom may experience frequent nosebleeds (but it happens in other pathological conditions). It is also desirable to do ultrasound of the spleen.
If all of this you have constant problems with the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, and even more so if you know about the presence of chronic gastroenterocolitis, then you need to seriously engage in parallel and that. How to deal with, you should know therapists and gastroenterologists, but unfortunately, the actual practice leaves much to be desired.
For successful treatment of the liver, in addition to putting in order of the gastrointestinal tract (if it is not in order), it is equally important to put in order the kidneys.
So, to reduce heart failure, heart strengthening regularly eat raisins, dried apricots, tea from a mixture of diuretic herbs. This can be either mild diuretic tea from herbs (birch leaves, raspberries, strawberries, fennel seeds, a small dose of a field horsetail, knotweed leaves and cranberries) or tea from a mixture of potent pharmaceutical kidney herbs, but at a dose of 3-5 times lower than indicated in the instructions. Drink this tea is not 2-3 weeks, as always, almost every day. Regularly use hawthorn in any form according to the instructions, but if you stop there is considerable swelling and frequent palpitations, advise regularly use any Landysheva pustyrnikovymi-drops, or tincture of lily of the valley mixture, herb, motherwort, which are sold in pharmacies. We recommend to use safely with discomfort in the heart area different drops: valokordin, kardiovalen, Corvalol etc. Spend (for instruction) course Riboxinum tablets that will improve the heart muscle.. Practice in consumption strengthens the heart of cardamom and nutmeg. It is useful to wear a heart of gold, ruby. It increases the strength of the heart and brings him "satisfaction" green. Spend heart acupressure points (in the literature) and little fingers of hands. Protect from excessive exercise. Always engaged in recreational gymnastics under the control of their own feelings before the first signs of fatigue.
Bringing order to the liver requires much more effort and time. Avoid the use of abundant fatty and fried. More often eat oatmeal, buckwheat. Try not to limit protein diet (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts). Eggs and nuts, but do not overdo it. Regularly use cholagogue preparations before eating. After the meal, apply a very warm heating pad on the liver area for 10-20 minutes. Within two years, spend a few special courses liver therapy: the course of any pharmacy hepatic gathering herbs and consistently rates Kars (legalon), Essentiale forte, Liv-52 (as per instructions) and other hepatitis-toprotektorov. Regularly rub, massage the area of the liver, especially with melted butter and essential oils of juniper, as well as spend a gentle massage of the right hypochondrium fingers of the hand. Useful asanas of hatha yoga: plow pose, twisted posture (spiral), onion. 2-3 times per month, it is desirable to carry out the blind probing with mineral water or with magnesium. 2-3 times a week at night and take 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Spend acupressure (acupressure) points of the liver on the trunk, legs, hands and feet. It is useful to wear articles of gold, iron, silver, copper, in stone - heliotrope, pearls. Because spices are good asafoetida, nutmeg, turmeric, barberry, chicory. Good in the pathology of the liver sour grapes, watermelon, peaches. It is advisable to use different drugs aloe. Favourable for liver color - blue. It is also very good help Thailand Noni juice,Regular use has beneficial effects on the body.
When changes in the spleen dystrophic also requires long-term work. Regularly rub, massage the area of the spleen (on the left mid-axillary line just above the level of the solar plexus). Also, regularly spend spleen acupressure points. Useful for spleen stones and metals: iron, silver, copper, heliotrope. From good spices: cumin, chicory, vinegar, turmeric, fruit - figs. Auspicious Colour Red.
These colors can be used as directed on the relevant body region of the light beam, as prevailing in the interior or in the clothing color, or in the local application of an appropriate color such as underwear. However, a full color therapy technique can only be practiced in a health center.
Of course, against the background of all these recommendations will bring some additional effect and any local procedures on the veins, which are well known to all Thai balsams & Phytomedication. In parallel, there will be useful homeopathic treatments and acupuncture and hydrotherapy, but not primarily for the veins, and for these bodies. And do not forget about the general health-improving measures (healthy lifestyle), without which the maximum effect is never achieved.
Although mainly it was about varicose veins, all of this fully applies to chronic hemorrhoids. In contrast to the lower extremity veins, hemorrhoids often can be treated more quickly. As for the surgical treatment of these problems, given the adaptive nature of the extension of the lower limb veins and hemorrhoidal veins, their removal leads to a redistribution of the venous blood in vital organs. It does not manifest itself in the very next moment, signs of dysfunction of these organs, but from month to month, from year to year will undermine health and lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences. Since this is a gradual process, no one will link the emergence of various new applications to the former operation. In our store you will find the phytopreparations you need from this disease: