Dried lemongrass 100% - 50 g.

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Lemongrass: beneficial properties and applications

Initially, fragrant cereal was cultivated in tropical Asia - from India to the Philippines. In botany it is called Cymbopogon, but there are many species names - palmorosa and shuttlebeard, Malabar grass and lemongrass. There are more than 50 species, all of which have layered, corn-like stems and long, pointed leaves. The lower part of the stem, where most of the oily juice accumulates, is eaten.

Lemongrass is considered a universal seasoning. It perfectly complements the taste of vegetables and meat, fish and seafood, and is used for brewing aromatic tea. The plant is consumed fresh, dried, or processed into powder. Its bactericidal, analgesic and sedative properties are used in medicine. Essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowering tops.

Commercial cymbopogon plantations are found primarily in Malaysia, India, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and South Africa. The plant is popular among gardeners in Latin America and the USA.

Chemical composition and characteristics of lemon grass

Essential oils are considered the most valuable components of the plant. They consist of natural fats - citral, micrin, linalol, dipinene. However, the proportion of fats is only 0.05; in terms of volume, they are significantly inferior to proteins (1.82%) and carbohydrates (2.53%). The edible stems are considered a low-calorie product - they contain only 99 kcal per 100 g.

Substance Volume (% of 100 g) Role in the body
Niacin 0.1 Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, ensures normal skin condition
Riboflavin 0.01 protects against infections, participates in the production of hemoglobin
Vitamin A 0.6 Increases immunity, is responsible for the health of vision and mucous membranes
Ascorbic acid 0.26 Strengthens resistance to viruses and microbes, produces enzymes and hormones
Potassium 72.3 Normalizes water and energy balance, controls the functioning of muscles and kidneys.
Calcium 6.5 Forms tissues of teeth and bones
Magnesium 6 Regulates the functioning of the heart, stomach, nervous system
Iron 0.82 Produces hemoglobin, enriches tissues with oxygen
Manganese 0.52 Directs protein-carbohydrate metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system
Zinc 0.22 Stimulates cell division, supports the functioning of the immune and reproductive systems

In addition, the green part of the plant contains about 20 terpenes and phytosterols, which have antibacterial, fungicidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Useful properties and applications of lemongrass

In tropical countries, lemongrass serves as an everyday culinary seasoning for hot dishes, salads and drinks. But that's not all - fragrant herb has 6 more useful uses:

Traditional medicine. Fresh stems, decoctions of dried leaves and oil tinctures are used to treat wounds, infections and more than 20 chronic diseases.
Aromatherapy. Dried lemongrass powder and essential oil of the plant are effective against stress, depression, and chronic fatigue.
Cosmetology. Shampoos, hair sprays, soaps, lotions, creams and deodorants are created based on lemongrass oil and essences.
Insect control. The terpenes contained in the herb repel flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches.
Destruction of intestinal parasites. The fatty component geraniol kills nematode worms.
Magical practice. The peoples of tropical Asia use lemongrass for divination rituals and offerings to the gods.
Use in cooking

The main feature of cymbopogon is its combination with a huge range of products, from meat to sweets. Dishes prepared with this herb acquire a fresh aroma and a mild flavor, reminiscent of a mixture of lemon, mint and ginger root. Indian cooks add the fragrant stems to vegetable stews and curries. The Chinese and Filipinos love to season fish and chicken with it. Legendary Thai soups and salads certainly contain lemongrass.

Interestingly, coarsely chopped, slightly broken stems are placed in the soup, and they are removed before the end of cooking. For salad or stir-fry toppings, lemongrass is chopped into thin rings, like leeks. In this form, the seasoning is also used in barbecue sauces and marinades. It goes well with soy sauce, vinegar, garlic and different types of pepper.

Finding an equivalent substitute for fresh lemongrass is difficult - no product conveys exactly the specific aroma. In marinades and salads, you can use a mixture of lemon zest and arugula leaf. Dried leaves or Thai spicy paste are suitable for soups.

Schisandra in folk medicine

Asian healers use fresh stems, tea from dried leaves, and inhalations with lemongrass decoction for therapeutic purposes. These remedies help with the following diseases:

Respiratory infections. Terpene oils of the plant destroy streptococci, staphylococci, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. To relieve cough, runny nose and fever, make lemongrass tea or chicken soup with fresh stems.
Indigestion and diarrhea. Cymbopogon is effective against the gastric bacterium Helicobacter pylori and 10 types of Escherichia coli.
Fungal skin lesions. Schisandra oil successfully cures lichen, trichophytosis, and scab.
Cardiovascular diseases. A decoction of the leaves of the plant stabilizes the heart rate and lowers blood pressure.
Nervous disorders. Citral, which is part of essential oils, calms the nervous system, eliminates insomnia and depression.
Diabetes mellitus. A water suspension of lemongrass helps normalize blood sugar levels.
Headache. Cymbopogon inhibits the action of enzymes that cause cerebral vascular spasms.
Herpes. Lubricating with essential oil cures “colds” on the lips.
Bowel cancer. The fatty component limonene prevents cell DNA damage that causes tumor growth.
Wounds. Painkillers and antimicrobial substances promote rapid tissue regeneration.
Joint and muscle pain. Rubbing cymbopogon oil gives an analgesic effect for rheumatism, gout, lumbago, bruises and sprains.

How to use lemongrass for weight loss

The aromatic herb does not directly affect fat burning. But it is often used as an aid during a diet. The fact is that lemongrass tea can suppress appetite. By replacing the next “snack” with a cup of fragrant tea, a person reduces the calorie content of his diet. In addition, the decoction acts as a diuretic and laxative. Removing excess fluid from tissues reduces weight, and cleansing the intestines and liver of toxins speeds up metabolism.

There are 2 options for using lemongrass in a diet:

Tea for weight loss. Place 1 finely chopped stem of lemongrass, a piece of ginger root 2 cm long, and a sprig of mint in a glass bowl. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. After straining, add juice from half a lemon and any calorie-free sweetener. Drink hot or cold 4 times a day.
Seasoning for food. Finely chopped stems are added instead of salt and sugar to the filling for fish or grilled chicken, to fresh salad, and soup. Dishes acquire taste and aroma without increasing calorie content.
Is it possible to eat lemongrass during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Despite the many beneficial properties of the plant, doctors do not recommend it to expectant mothers. The active ingredients in Schisandra may cause the following side effects:

Allergy. It manifests itself in the form of skin rash, runny nose, shortness of breath or swelling of the larynx.
Uterine bleeding. Lemongrass phytosterols can cause sudden rupture of the membranes and miscarriage.
A sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. This effect is especially dangerous for women with hypoglycemia or diabetes that developed during pregnancy.
The ban on consuming lemongrass also applies to nursing mothers. The product may cause allergic reactions in the baby. In addition, the effect of lemongrass on lactation has not been fully studied, so it is better to eliminate the risks.


Main characteristics
Type of product Tea loose
net weight 50g.
Suitable men;women
Treatment characteristics
assignment Antioxidant
Age category 21 years and older
Active ingredients Basil Dried
Additional characteristics
Packing size small
gross 51g.


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