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Phytopreparation Gotu Kola Centella Asiatica (Herbal One) - 60 capsules.
It was determined that Shcheritistnik several times reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, contributes to an increase in memory capacity. This product is shown to pensioners and people whose life process is associated with an active thinking process and intensive memory work ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 12 g
Gross: 60 g
Phytopreparation Jiaogulan herb of longevity (HERBAL ONE) - 100 caps.
Jiaogulan prevents the appearance of cancer cells and reverses the development of cancerous and also blocks the growth of tumors already formed, by stimulating the cells of the body's immune system. The cancer patients, who drank Jiaogulan show a marked improvement in the levels of the antibody of the white blood cell count, and the levels of T and B lymphocyte raised. The use of Jiaogulan for athletes increases their training, because it increases the function of the heart-pumping, improving the contraction of the heart muscle. The benefits of increased stamina during strong physical activity, and faster recovery after. Jiaogulan contains 84 useful saponins in 3 times more than in ginseng ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 30 g
Gross: 81 g
Phytopreparation Fenugreek (Herbal One) - 60 capsules.
Fenugreek - an excellent tool that stimulates lactation in women for 2-3 days. This drug normalizes the digestive system in nursing mothers (symptoms of increased accumulation of gases in the body and acid reflux are much less). This plant helps reduce triglycerides and blood sugar levels ....
Availability: in stock
Net: 21 g
Gross: 60 g
Phytopreparation Houttuynia cordata Extract (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Thai medicine uses preparations with leaves of Houtuynii cordatta in the treatment of herpes, hemorrhoids, as well as various skin diseases, improves the lymph flow through the body. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, various manifestations of rash and irritations on the body, fungal skin lesions, oncology, genitourinary infections, shingles and is an oncoprotective drug, prevents the development of cancer. The drug based on Hauttuinia heart-shaped has an astringent effect ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 20 g
Gross: 83 g
Phytopreparation Momordica Charantia (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Momordica is also called the Chinese Bitter Melon. Has a large concentration of momordicosides. It causes hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory effect. In the plant there are many resins, glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, amino acids, phenols and oils. This is a very rare plant, it contains a quarantine, which reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 18.4 g
Gross: 68 g
Phytopreparation Spirulina algae (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
It contains not less than 60% of vegetable proteins, besides Spirulina contains a record number of existing vitamins, amino acids and elements of mineral origin, this nutritional supplement compensates for the deficiency of all these components in the human body, while effectively supporting its immune system ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 40 g
Gross: 77 g
Phytopreparation Lingzhi Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum * (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
The "fungus of immortality", famous in oriental medicine, improves the functioning of the immune system, regenerates and restores the body. A powerful oncoprotectant, improves brain function, restores almost all organs and systems of the body, lacquered lutter, in China and Korea known as "ling-chih" (fungus of immortality), and in Japan - as "Reishi" (mushroom of spiritual strength), is Unique fungus, known for its miraculous properties for more than one century and has become one of the main healing components of Tibetan medicine ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 20 g
Gross: 67 g
Phytopreparation Butea Superba (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
The Butia Superb plant is known in Thailand as "herbal Viagra". It is an effective tool for improving the potency, erection and increase in penis size. Its quality is verified, in its effectiveness Butia does not concede to the well-known analogues. A clear advantage of this tool is its softness on the body, without the appearance of stressful situations in it..
Availability: in stock
Net: 15 g
Gross: 65 g
Phytopreparation Green tea extract (Herbal One) - 60 capsules.
Green tea extract is a miracle cure, possessing the properties of real antioxidants, activators of the immune system, products for effective weight loss. It helps to restore the harmonious work of the body, each of its systems. His constant companions are strengthening of blood vessels and reducing cholesterol, normalizing the production of hormones and protecting each cell from adverse environmental factors...
Availability: in stock
Net: 25 g
Gross: 54 g
Phytopreparation Oryza rice bran oil (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Contains natural ingredients, which, according to research, have a beneficial effect on the body. Gamma-Oryzanol: reduces cholesterol absorption, and also reduces the risk of developing ischemic disease, Oleic acid: oleic acid is an essential fatty acid, that is, the body can synthesize it itself. However, if you take it, the risk of developing ischemic disease and high cholesterol is greatly reduced ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 73 g
Phytopreparation Tinospora serdtselistnaya (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Natural phytopreparative on the basis of the plant Tinospora for the treatment of colds, flu, fever, SARS, acute respiratory infections, to reduce temperature, with coughing, runny nose, general malaise and detoxification of the body during cold and viral diseases ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 25 g
Gross: 78 g
Andrographis paniculata Phytopreparation (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Andrographis paniculata - Thai Echinacea. A remedy for catarrhal and pulmonary diseases. It is used for angina, flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. Liquefies phlegm, removes dryness in the throat, lowers the temperature. Has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antithrombotic effect. Clears blood from viruses, protects the liver, increases immunity. Studies have shown efficacy against influenza viruses ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 30 g
Gross: 55 g
Phytopreparation Kaempferia parviflora (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
A plant from the ginger family, also known as Black Galangal and "Thai ginseng". It grows in Southeast Asia. A remedy for general strengthening of the body. Provides a very good toning effect. Stimulates the work of the heart. Increases libido. Strengthens vitality without stimulation of the Central Nervous System ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 12.9 g
Gross: 85 g
Phytopreparation YA TRIPHALA (Herbal One) - 100 капсул.
According to Thai traditional medicine, Tryphala is used to adjust the balance in the body when changing the seasons. Eases and cures cough, expectorant; Increases immunity and has antioxidant properties; Detoxifies the gastrointestinal tract, blood, plasma; Facilitates cough, expectorant ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 15 g
Gross: 85 g
Tea Jiaogulan grass of longevity (HERBAL ONE) - 20 bags.
This strong tea with a sweet-bitter taste, which, like ginseng, balances the energy of the body and improves well-being. Tea from the herb of immortality lowers cholesterol, improves memory performance, etc., but it acts much softer than ginseng without causing overexcitation, moreover acting calmingly on the nervous system ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 30 g
Gross: 62 g
Phytopreparation Moringa capsules (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Moringa is effective for cleansing the body of slags and heavy metals, for the destruction of gastrointestinal parasites, or as a strengthening agent during a course of chemotherapy that strikes foreign DNA. Effective and quickly wins the annual heavy flu. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, anti-allergic, analgesic and antioxidant effect on the body ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 45 g
Gross: 84 g
Senna Tea Natural slimming - (Herbal One) - 20 bags.
Senna Herbal infusion herbal tea contains senna leaves and pods and is therefore considered the best natural ingredient in the world to have an effective laxative effect. In addition, it can prevent colon cancer ..
Availability: in stock
Net: 30 g
Gross: 77 g
Phytopreparation Cassia Siameya (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Effective means for people suffering from depression! It acts on the body soothingly, removes fears and strains, eliminates anxiety, normalizes sleep and appetite. Has a pronounced sedative and antidepressant effect ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 22.5 g
Gross: 79 g
Phytopreparation Ginger officinalis Ya (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Ginger Stimulates the heart muscle and blood circulation throughout the body, which helps to reduce blood pressure and cardiac workload, and improves cellular metabolism, helping to relieve cramps and tension. Function: Antioxidant action. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, loss of appetite, bloating flatulence. Prevention of nausea and vomiting after surgery and chemotherapy. Rheumatism, pain in the muscles. Help with colds and coughs.
Availability: in stock
Net: 50 g
Gross: 79 g
Phytopreparation Bacopa monnieri (Herbal One) - 60 capsules.
The extract of this plant contains triterpene saponins, the so-called "Bacosides", which have a beneficial effect on memory, thus preventing and alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Also, the intake of this food supplement is indicated for those who study intensively or work with computers, or have mental stress, as Bacopa monnieri improves intellectual abilities and increases stress resistance....
Availability: in stock
Net: 20 g
Gross: 64 g
Phytopreparation Phyllanthus diuretic (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Phyllanthus is a diuretic - a therapeutic extract used against colic, and as an effective remedy for eliminating bile - and kidney stones, urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder inflammation and other kidney and liver problems in general such as acute - and chronic hepatitis B, copes well with the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, contributes to its effective purification, restoration and preservation of hepatic cells ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 13.5 g
Gross: 69 g
Phytopreparation Derris scandens (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
With more muscle and physical fatigue, Thai traditional medicine uses an effective tool - Derris Scandens (Derris Scandens). In the study of this drug, it was found that the ego extract eliminates back pain, and also helps to cure osteoarthritis...
Availability: in stock
Net: 28.2 g
Gross: 79 g
Phytopreparation Thunberg (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
A powerful antioxidant. The leaves of this plant for several millennia are used in Thai traditional medicine as an antidote for various poisonings, including poisoning with ethyl alcohol, pesticides, arsenic, strychnine and heavy metals. Effectively helps to recover from food, alcohol and toxic poisoning. Neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and potent drugs. It removes toxins from the body, eliminates discomfort in the stomach ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 20.5 g
Gross: 78 g
Phytopreparation Cryptolepis buchanani (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
For the treatment of joint diseases. The natural biologically active additive is thaoen, cryptolepis is a natural herbal preparation based on the evergreen Cryptolepis buchanani plant, revered throughout Asia for its ability to relieve pain in the joints and muscles. In addition, in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India, along with Thai phytotherapy, cryptolepis is used to strengthen immunity and remove many inflammatory processes in the body
Availability: in stock
Net: 12 g
Gross: 79 g
Phytopreparation Black pepper from the jungle (Herbal One) - 100 capsules.
Famous Thai capsules for weight loss. The main component is a special kind of black pepper (Compound Pepper) growing in the jungle. Weight loss is due to cleaning the body of slag and fecal stones, the withdrawal of excess water, as well as burning fat due to pepper ...
Availability: in stock
Net: 25 g
Gross: 83 g
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